Microsofties Aren't Robots? Perish The Thought...
Glenn Bock over at Microsoft recently blogged that he was not a robot because he uses the following non-Microsoft technologies: A Mac Mini (which really doesn't count, Microsoft doesn't make computers and as far as I am aware they still write software for the Mac), an iPod, Yahoo, Google, NUnit (MS tech related), Firefox, OpenSource, Resharper (MS tech related), Ruby on Rails, and Linux. That's all well and good, but would he still follow the Programming Promises? I bet he at least tries, though I'd also guess he's a tad biased. :) Regardless he's also right in he wouldn't be doing a good job if he wasn't examining and using alternatives, especially when they were better then the items he could dogfood. It's a reminder that we all need to continually be exploring and expanding our exposure to technology from all fronts.
In general I would say I would and do follow the Programming Promises.
The exeception would be the "use whatever tools I need to, regardless of politics". I would certainly say there is a bias toward our offerings. However, like I mentioned I do use Resharper :)
Ah, but is it really bias if you admit it? That would be more "preference" Besides, the promise mentioned is more for when no tool exists, it's about using what's available rather then reinventing the wheel if for no reason then zealotry..
I wouldn't say it's necessarily a conscious bias. I don't pretend for example that a product is much better than it is simply because it is Microsoft's. I do have a strong desire for us to deliver excellent products, and love working for the company. I am sure that does affect my ability to remain entirely neutral.
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